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Impact of Space-Travels on the Urinary Microbiome and its clinical implications

Chief researchers: Dr. Ben Boursi, Cancer Center, Sheba Medical Center,
Dr. Paul Chang, Department of Urology at the Thomas Jefferson University Academic Medical Center, United States.
Jefferson University Academic Medical Center, Pennsylvania, USA, Texas Tech University, USA, School of Medicine at Queen's University, Ontario Canada, and supported by MicroGenDx, Texas, United States.

As part of this experiment, the research clinicians at the Sheba Medical Center, the Thomas Jefferson University, and other partner scientists, examined the changes in the microorganism population in the urinary tracts (the urinary microbiome) of the AX-1 crew members throughout all of the stages of their voyage to the International Space Station - pre-launch, en route, and following their return to Earth.

Using genetic analysis tools and advanced algorithms of the MicroGenDX Company, along with cross-referencing the findings of the analysis with various emerging clinical signs in mid-mission, the research team will for the first time be providing insights into the correlation between the characteristics of the microbiome in the urinary tract and the onset of symptoms and morbidity. These insights will enable breakthroughs in understanding the clinical relationship between the microbiome and the health of the urinary system, and will enable administering the appropriate medical treatment - both for the crews on space missions and for patients on Earth.

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